Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Courage to Apologize

Do you know what it feels like when you know you've done something wrong? It's like knowing you're going to be late to a meeting and you don't want to face everyone who is expecting you to come. How do you deal with the sorrow and aches that come with such feelings? Your stomach swishes from side to side, and your heart wishes there was another way to make things right. You search deep inside of you for a way out, but you know there is only one, true way to settle things. You know that not everything was your fault, but you had thought of making that phone call, or just dropping bye to let them know what was going on. You wish you had done things differently. If only you had known all the details. If only you had seen what they really wanted of you. They went out of their way to set things up for you so you can shine, and then you go and dissapoint them. And now you can only dread what will happen next, when you go to make things right. How has it come to this. Your insides want to burst. you're so nervous. What will happen next? How will you ever apologize in the perfect way? Will they hate you forever? You feel so guilty, even though it isn't entirely your fault. But no, you must do this. You have to do it now. You have to get it over with. Have the courage inside. Stand up. End things now. No matter how they may treat you then and afterwards, you have to apologize now before it's too late. You have to make things good again. Onward.

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